It seems to me that a gardener’s life is fraught with perils. When you have avoided sticking the fork through your foot and poking your eye out on a bamboo cane or mowing your toes off whilst cutting the lawn you might like to sit back and admire the things you have planted.
However it is often found that something has eaten your prize veg before you got chance to! Or something has eaten your favourite rose or nibbled the cosmos you have just planted, to say nothing of the badger that has destroyed your lawn. The joys of gardening in the country! My time at the American Museum gave me at least some insight into the things deer and rabbits love to eat [roses, campanula, phlox, day lilies] and things they never eat [hardly] such as penstemons, sage, salvias, nepeta]. Nevertheless I was a little shocked the other day to look up from my determined weeding to discover the shrubbery was being munched by a pair of goats. Some phone calls later I discovered the owners and they were summoned to pick them up from the shed in which I had confined them temporarily. They journeyed home in style in the back of the owners Jag. I just hope they didn’t disgrace themselves on the cream leather seats!
Certainly one of the joys of gardening is going to see other peoples gardens and I can promise hort soc members a real treat if they are able to make this year’s garden party on 6thJuly. Hope to see you there.
Bridget and the Committee.