All posts by Treasurer

Alex’ September Ramblings – last for the year!

The annual flower show for is over for another year and although I was elsewhere on the day, all the reports I am receiving, tell me that it was another excellent one, both in terms of quantity and quality. Hearty congratulations to all that entered. It is pleasing to see that we had a new winner of the Banksian Medal by a member showing only for the second time. The winner claims that until two years ago they were not a gardener! It just goes to show what can be achieved by determination and a little skill. I hope this will encourage more to participate. Continue reading Alex’ September Ramblings – last for the year!

Alex’ August Ramblings

Well, what a difference 12 months makes. Looking back at last August’s ramblings, I was bemoaning the amount of rainfall combined with a drop in temperatures and the impact that was having on the growth of plants in the garden. This year we have had the opposite, little or no rain combined with exceptionally high temperatures. This has persisted for about six weeks and only last weekend did we get any relief in the form of a decent amount of rainfall. Although nowhere near enough to make up for that which we have lacked, it did serve to refill my water butts. Rainwater is much more beneficial to plants than tap water which has been treated with all sorts of chemicals. We are now told that temperatures are set to rise again with little or no rainfall in the foreseeable future! Continue reading Alex’ August Ramblings

Alex’ July Ramblings

Last month I hailed the return of good growing weather in May. June turned out to be “Flaming June” and it appears there is no end in sight to the exceptional temperatures we are experiencing. Rainfall has and continues to be forecast to be extremely scarce. Gardeners will be spending many hours ensuring that plants have adequate water while hoping that no hose pipe ban will be introduced. Bristol Water has said that it is experiencing an increase of 17% in demand. It behoves us all to be judicious when using this precious resource. Having said that, my water butts are empty and I’m relying on mains supply. Continue reading Alex’ July Ramblings

Alex’ June Ramblings

Well, at last we have had some good growing weather! I hope it has encouraged everyone to get out into the garden to try and make up for lost time.

I have just returned from a trip to the Loire Valley in France where the daily temperatures have been remarkably high. The Loire Valley is a very productive area gardening wise and I took the opportunity to visit a number of gardens attached to chateaux. They ranged from the very formal at Villandry to the fanciful at Rivau. This was my second visit to the Loire and the thing that is most apparent since visiting some thirty years ago is a move to organic regimes. Continue reading Alex’ June Ramblings

Wellow Bug Hotel

Thank you to everyone who came along on Saturday to help build our first bug hotel. It was great fun as well as educational. Do go along to the village hall car park to have a look at it and maybe consider building one in your own garden. This one will provide a home for a variety of flying insects.