Photos of memorial tree planting 2020

Over 2020, we were so saddened to lose two of our past presidents. Firstly, at the very beginning of the year, Colin Tremellen. Then, in March, Michael Carpenter. Both men made a huge contribution to the Horticultural Society over the years and their influence will remain with us as we go forward.

Out of our great respect, we have been very pleased to support the planting of trees in memory of these two remarkable men. Sadly, we have no photographic record of the planting of Colin’s apple tree, but, like Michael’s tree, it is in the North Field, behind the Church. Later, Colin’s wife, Jill, organised a big tree-planting exercise in his memory and several of our members turned out to help. Given this all happened during the pandemic, suitable “social distancing” rules applied.

The tree is planted in memory of Michael Carpenter.

Bridget (our Chair) helps the family with planting the tree


The Carpenter family


All done

Jill Tremellen leads the planting of a copse in memory of her husband Colin

Villagers and Hort Soc members turn out to help


We're a friendly bunch of gardeners