Past Events



Wednesday 13th March 7.30pm, Wellow Village Hall: a talk by Tony Davies entitled “Space and Climate Change”. There will also be “climate-change-friendly” plants for sale.
Wednesday 3rd April, a visit to Downside Nurseries at Westwood. Details tba.
Saturday 4th May 2-4pm, Wellow Village Hall: the annual Plant Sale. Tea, coffee and cakes available.
Saturday 6th July during the day and NEW to Wellow, “Best Gardens in Wellow Competition” (this is not an open gardens event – only the judges will be going around).  Followed by the Annual Garden Party to be held at Manor Barn, Farm Lane, Wellow at 6.30 -9pm. The results of the earlier competition will be announced at the party.


Our first ever Wellow Best gardens competition was a great success.

Judged by  Wayne Amiel (the BBC’s current Gardener of the Year) 13 gardeners put their gardens forward, based on the Chelsea Garden Show structure of Gold, Silver Gilt, Silver and Bronze awards.  Wayne was highly impressed , and having come expecting to award only a couple of Gold certificates, actually awarded seven of them.

The results were announced at our annual Garden Party that evening, presented by Wayne and Hort Soc President Alex Martin  – and here they are:

Gold Certificate  and Overall Best Garden in Wellow :

Di Dalgliesh and Jonathan Knight for The Crest.

Gold Certificates:

Annette and Ian Harris for Water Meadows

Annie and David Scotland for Manor Barn

Jill and Colin Tremellen for St Julian’s Well

Clover and Richard  Holland for Wellhope Knowe

Julia and Jonathan Wyld for White Ox Mead Farm

Alice Harper and Tom Jones for The Maltings

Silver Gilt Certificates:

Justine and Billy Wright for Wellow Farm

Jenny Barr for Honeysuckle Cottage

Silver Certificates:

Olga Shepherd for Home Farm, White Ox Mead

Andrew and Fiona Pitt for Middle Twinhoe Barn

Bronze Certificates:

Sue and Chris Wordsworth for Courtland House

Caroline and Nigel Thomas for Manor Court Cottage



Saturday 31st August, at Wellow Playing Fields, 1-5pm, Flower Show and Country Fair



Prize Winners 2019

Schedule 2019

Wellow Flower Show Stall-holders’ Booking Form 2019

Car Parking

Follow the link below to view our prize winners for this year. Special congratulations to the winner of the Banksian Medal, Alex Martin (who now has quite a collection!!)

Prize Winners Wellow Flower Show 2019

Sunday 26th October2pm at Wellow Village Car Park (end of Station Road), Apple Juicing Day 
Thursday 21st November 7.30pm in Wellow Village Hall, AGM
December –  Wreath-Making Workshop  sadly cancelled this year.


Programme 2018

The theme for our year is Bees and Pollinators.  Here is a list of the events that are being organised this year by the Hort Soc.  For more details contact

Thursday 15th February – Talk – by Brigit Strawbridge about Bees and Bee loving Plants 7.30 Village Hall

Wednesday 21stMarch – Bee evening – film and bee identification activity/quiz 7.30 Village Hall

Saturday 12th May – Plant Sale and children’s bug hotel making       2-4 p.m. Village Hall

Sunday 3rd June – 10:30 a.m. Walk though Wellow looking and learning about the different types of bees hives and wild bee colonies

Friday 6th July – Garden Party

Saturday 1st September – Flower Show

Sunday 14th October – Apple Day

Thursday 15th November – AGM

Wednesday 5th December – Wreath Making 7.30 Village Hall


We're a friendly bunch of gardeners