Flower Show 2021

We hope you all enjoyed a great day out on 4th September! It was wonderful to see so many entries (especially from our young people) in the marquee. The judges had their work cut out, deciding on the winners! Well done to all of you who went home with your prize cups, shields, certificates and medals.

The Novelty Dog Show was also lots of fun and well done to all our entrants. The overall, joint winners, were two of our Veteran Dogs, Hudson Cross and Ernie Wright. Lovely!

We had over 300 people attending, which was more than expected. Thank you to all who came along for the fun and all those who participated or volunteered. We can’t run the Show without the trusty volunteers, your assistance is invaluable to us.

Find the list of winners here!

Photos here!

More information and photos in due course!

We're a friendly bunch of gardeners