Plant Sale 2021

Rob Greig and Audrey Timm
     We owe a big thank you to the 23 growers who donated plants to this year’s plant sale.  They managed to produce a staggering number of  plants and the quality was good even though some were a bit smaller than last year.
     Most of all we owe a huge thank you to Rob for his excellent organisation and also those who aided and abetted him.  Well done everybody.
     We had over 2,000 plants offered for sale and 1,350 were bought.  Those left over were primarily vegetables, whereas last year, buyers couldn’t get enough of them!  Not sure what that says about the way life under the present restrictions is going! 
      The 42 people who bought plants contributed £495 as a rough total. As we anticipate some potential losses with this year’s Flower Show, we hope this will help us to offset these.
     So, happy growing and thanks again to all involved in the sale.

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