Whats On




February: Sunday 16th February “Seedy Sunday“. Wellow Village Hall 1pm to 4pm. Our first ever “seed swap”. Bring your own seeds to swap, or any leftovers in packets you have bought. Tool sharpening, seed potato stall, seeds and plants from Derry Watkins, and a shiitake mushroom workshop. Plus our outstandingly good teas, coffees and cakes!

March: Wednesday 18th March: Wellow Village HallA talk on Rewilding by Chris Sperring  Postponed due to coronavirus outbreak, new date for your diaries: Wednesday 7th October.
April: Visit to Rosie Craddock’s No-Dig Garden in Shoscombe. Details   Cancelled due to coronavirus.
May: Saturday 9th May 2-4pm, Wellow Village Hall: the annual Plant Sale. Tea, coffee and cakes available.  Cancelled in its usual format. Held “remotely” instead!
July:  Annual Garden Party   Cancelled due to coronavirus.
September: Saturday 5th September, at Wellow Playing Fields, 1-5pm, Flower Show and Country Fair: Cancelled. Click here for more
October: Sunday 18 October –  Apple Day – Station Road Car Park from 2pm CANCELLED
 November: Thursday 19th November 7.30pm in Wellow Village Hall, AGM

We're a friendly bunch of gardeners